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Memory Portrait

What makes a memory portrait?  When asked this question, I often recall a popular quote:  “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  – Maya Angelou.  In typical INFP style, I have trouble skipping past feelings and memories. We’re going to talk about how memories or feelings come into my painting of a portrait.  When I paint a portrait, I take a deeper look into the subject’s ‘essence.’  After all, we are more than what meets the eye, are we not?

What comes to your mind when you think of a loved one?  I see the flash of a quiet smile and hear the drone of the hammer as my dad works on his house. I can almost smell the Fast Orange soap https://www.autozone.com/miscellaneous-cleaners-and-degreasers/hand-cleaner/p/permatex-fast-orange-hand-cleaner/401968_0_0 as he washes oil off his hands.  My most treasured memory is one I hear the crackle of his laugh but how do I paint how that laugh makes me feel?  Would simply painting him with a photo-realistic grin do him justice or would it seem, say, ‘lackluster’ for speaking to who my dad is and how his ‘essence’ makes me feel?  Isn’t that what cameras are for?  So, how could a painted memory portrait depict a person in rather unique, ‘feeling’ kind of way?  Is it possible for a painting to trigger deeper memories you have of your loved one?  This brings another question into mind:  How do I accurately paint a person’s ‘essence’ if I’ve never met them?  

Painting Your Loved One

I always encourage my clients to describe their loved one to me, as they are comfortable doing so. This helps me capture a taste of their personality into the memory portrait.  I’m also a spiritual person. I pray that I will paint a blessing for the family and see what the Holy Spirit brings.  I study multiple photos of the person as well, This helps me to get a feel of who they were and how they expressed themselves.  Thanks to my keen sensitivity, I like to think I do a nice job at painting the memory portraits. My clients often tell me I’ve seemed to capture their spirit.  Here is a recent review of a memory portrait:  “Finally made it to SD to give my in-laws the picture of Kylee.  They love it so much and everyone cried.  <3  Thank you again for such an amazing gift!:  – (Keeping their name private).  I loved working with them and this is why I do what I do:  To give hope and love to the grieving and to keep the loved one’s memory fresh in their home.

Who do you know that may be blessed through a memory portrait?  I’ve seen many families come together through a portrait. If you would like to receive more information to order a commission, please email me. Feel free to include a picture (or three) of the dear person or pet as well. ginajacksonart@gmail.com

Check out some memory portraits: https://ginajacksonart.com/shop/